Lifestyle, Mom Life and everything under the sun.


Welcome 2023

Hello everyone and welcome. Welcome to 2023. And Welcome to everyone who is just trying their best to get through another year. I hope the start of the year has been going well for you so far. It’s been going pretty well for myself so far. Today I’m going to share some intentions I have for this year.

This year I intend to blog more. I also intend to raise my follower count and view count as well. This site has been running for a couple of years now but due to inactivity, it’s still pretty much a baby site of mine. I hope that by the end of 2023 I have at least 1500 views! And 20 followers.

For my health, I intend to start my intermittent fasting again and work out 3 times a week. Whether it be yoga or something more intense. I also would like to learn more about women’s circadian rhythm and how it’s linked to our period cycles. And start living my life more accordingly to that.

I’ve set a reading goal on good reads, I intend to read 10 books this year! I read about 5 this year, not including all the textbooks I’ve read. I think for a while I’ve needed a break from all the textbook reading. But I’ve started a new book and it has got me really excited about my reading goal. I also have a goal to finish listening to midnight sun on Audible on top of the reading!

I’m also trying to become a minimalist as well. So that’s a goal I will be continuously working towards. I aim to live a simpler life while also allowing for more recreation time.

Other than this I plan on not overwhelming myself. Which means not taking on more than I can handle. It also means not setting goals I can’t live up to or are too challenging. Each day we have a different amount of energy and I will not be able to do everything I want all the time. Accepting this and learning to live around my circadian rhythm will allow me to accomplish what I can when I’m most able.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post! If you like what you’ve seen here on my website go and hit that follow button so I’ll start popping up in your feed. Don’t forget to check out my recent post!

What are your 2023 goals or intentions? Leave them in the comment section below!

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