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Food Lifestyle

Brunch Fun

Today called for a good distraction and some yummy goodies and we enjoyed the extra time we had together. We had the best at home Brunch date together and we had so much fun cooking together.

Today we shared a delicious and healthy brunch platter. Bacon is our favourite and blueberries are our other favourite. Some things we already know we like such as the bananas and we had a couple of new things to try as well. The pecan butter tarts and the kiwi were new for my little one. She also tried pineapple for the first time too. She loves the shaved Almonds and they’re perfect for people with kids of younger ages. They’re super healthy and since they’re shaved and super small they’re not a huge choking hazard.

A really great and simple way to spend quality time with your little ones is cooking and having fun when it comes to eating. The more involved they are the more encouraging it is for them to try new things. It also introduces their senses and brain to new opportunities and likes and dislikes.

What are your favourite foods to share with your children? what would your brunch platter look like?

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