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Food Lifestyle

A Delicious Organic Treat!

Hello, everyone! I had a great weekend and I hope you did too. Yesterday I went out with one of my girlfriends and we had a blast! We did normal girly things, like a trip to Starbucks. And we are both really into Organic and Natural products so we hit up this local Natural Health Food Store. I wanted to tell you about a delicious organic treat I have found!!!! At the original time of this post being written, she had just gotten me into these chocolate coconut haystacks from an organic store she frequents and they were literally sooooo good. Little did I know that was my first pregnancy craving in the making. When she introduced me to these, I didn’t know I was pregnant, although I was!

The Treat!

Rachelpedia eating a chocolate haystack

So, We went to this place called Natures Emporium. The reason we went to Nature’s Emporium was to pick up some of these things called “Chocolate Coconut Haystacks!”. They are soooo yummy & addicting! I didn’t realize until purchasing them, how cheap they were. They are only .99 cents!!! Whattt!!!! I should have bought more. I am already eating the second one I bought, looks like I won’t be saving it for long. (Definitely, the pregnancy speaking)

Containing only four ingredients, these chocolate coconut haystacks made by Little B’s Bakery are delicious, filling, wholesome and made with organic ingredients! Organic Unsweetened Shredded Coconut, Eggs, Cocoa Powder and Organic Cane Sugar. It doesn’t need anything more than that either. Also, they are Gluten & Nut Free and 100 calories. So people with some health concerns like myself can still treat themselves to these tasty little gems. Without feeling guilt or any chronic issues flaring up.

That’s it for today. I just wanted to make sure I checked in with everyone at least once before my Surgery since I have been so busy. (I had the surgery successfully only to find out weeks later that I was pregnant. Oddly enough they didn’t ask me if there was a chance I could be pregnant before my surgery. Nor did they run the typical bloodwork beforehand either.) Sometime soon I will be making my own chocolate haystacks from scratch and I will put together a recipe post! Years have gone by and this has yet to happen but hopefully one day I will get around to it.


This was another post from my previous website years ago. I will be 100% honest. I never made those haystacks. And I never made my own recipe for them either. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Maybe ill put that on an upcoming bucket list though. Lol. (This post was from my original website. Shared on my second and has now been carried over to my third and final website!)

If you liked this post then you should check out some of my other really great posts! Dont forget to follow my website for more frequent updates. Thanks, everyone! Have a delicious day!

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