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My Reading List

Here is a list of the books I have either finished completely or am still working on piece by piece, mood by mood. These aren’t all of the books I’ve gotten my hands on lately as some of them are very private.

Parenting BooksProfessional AdvancementPersonal Interest/Gain
The complete guide to raising and empowering an ADHD Child  Morning Rituals – Katie Stone  Midnight Sun – Stephanie Meyer  
The 5 Love Languages of Children – Gary Chapman, Ross CampbellThe Stress-Proof Brain – Melanie Greenberg111 Journaling prompts – Leila Kalmbach  
The High Conflict Custody Battle – Amy J.L Baker.  The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Steven R. Covey  How to save a life, The inside story of Grey’s Anatomy – Lynette Rice  
What your ADHD Child Wishes you Knew – Sharon SalineHow to start a Blog – Fredrick Kerky  Journaling Basics – Lisa Shea  
 Know yourself, know your money – Rachel Cruze  Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare – Shahida Arabi  
 Surrounded by Idiots – Thomas Erikson  Psychopath Free: Expanded Edition. Jackson MacKenzie  
  That Chakra System – Anodea Judith  
  Delay, Don’t Deny – Gin Stephens  
  Beating Endo –  Amy Stein and Dr. Iris Kerin Orbuch  

*Currently Right into this Book!

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